New Data Resources Available

PBDE’s Broadband Affordability Tracker updated and new speed test mapping tools available at our Resource Center

Pacific Broadband and Digital Equity

Dedicated to technology access and digital equity throughout the region. Advice, assistance, and advocacy for our partners on a non-profit basis.

  • Dresslar Briefs Congressional Offices Of American Samoa And CNMI

    Dresslar Briefs Congressional Offices Of American Samoa And CNMI

    On a busy week for Broadband in Washington DC, Pacific Broadband and Digital Equity (PBDE) Founder Peter Dresslar visited the Congressional delegations from the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands and American Samoa and briefed the Congressional delegation from Guam. The briefings focused on issues where the territories have a particular interest in working together…

  • Powering Regional Broadband Map Challenges

    Powering Regional Broadband Map Challenges

    Earlier this year, Pacific Broadband and Digital Equity (PBDE) supplied comprehensive technical assistance for comprehensive FCC Broadband Map challenges filed by each of Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. As the challenges continue to be evaluated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and addressed by the Internet Service Providers (ISP)…